Friday, 9 November 2012


The target audience for my music magazine is mainly aimed at teenagers/people in their early tweneties. The type of magazine I am creating would be published every month or so at £3 to £4 so the target audience will find it affordable. The collage below shows what kind of thing would be advertised in the magazine as it it relates to the age and interests of the consumers. The video below is my group focus work were we talk about what kinds of magazines we read and how much people in my target audience age range would pay for a monthly magazine. My magazine will be indie rock genre which will appeal to various people as the music is quite popular.


The idea that media audiences make active use of what the media offer. The audience has a set of needs which the media in one form or another meet. 

Below are the national readership survey's social grades, my target audience are in the E/D grades as late teens will probably still be in education and most of them won't work and if they do it will be at minimum wage. This is another reason why I need to take the price of the magazine into consideration

Below is masolow's 'hierachy of needs', magazine readers will be in social and esteem groups as people who have money to spend on magazines will most probably have food, shelter and security.


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