Tuesday, 19 March 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?
The price of my magazine is at £3.00  this could be considered quite expensive when attracting an audience mostly consisting in the E category demographically. However, the fact that the magazine is being produced monthly, I feel this price is acceptable as it equal out to under £1 a week this also ensures reasonable printing quality.
I tried to make my main artist  appeal to my target audience of old teenagers, I did this by creating a proffisional looking magazine to attract young adults whilst also making the content thing they would be interested in eg. festivals, new albums, your dates ect. On the front cover my model is looking directly into the camera addressing my audience as they may feel the artist represents them in this way or they can aspire to the artist. It also entices the reader in as she is making direct eye contact.

I created a questionaire and asked 10 people what they thought of my magazine these are the results

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