Tuesday, 19 March 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Alot of the process creating my mgazine was done in photoshop these are the basic toold i used a lota nd found helpful:
I used adobe Photoshopt to edit and develop my image into a magazine. However, after editing my images i used microsoft publisher for my double page spread. i spent a lot of time perfecting my front cover image.
To create this image for my front cover I first used the spot removal tool to remove all of my model’s blemishes. Earlier in my blog i ahve shown the methods on photoshop I used to create the flawless and tanned effect on the skin. 
Firstly i used the magic wand to select all the skin I then made a copy of this layer and called it ‘skin’. I then made two copies of this – just her skin. On the first copy I used the Gaussian blur tool on 10 pixels to blur the skin and darkened this copy using blending options. I then lightened the second copy using the same tool and turned the background back on. Using the eraser tool I was able to carefully erase the lips, teeth and eyes and small heart on the cheek of my model – this way they appeared in focus while the rest of her skin remained blurred. After merging all of the layers together, I used the overlay tool to add the glow. I also slightly stretched the images vertically to make my model look taller and slimmer.

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